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Escape Hunter Planning How to Make- and Keep Warm in a Cold Hotel Room?

How to Make- and Keep Warm in a Cold Hotel Room?

December 6, 2013
January 31, 2016

Having gone through "arctic torture" at a hotel (in winter), I felt compelled to write this article about how to be savvy and cope with cold hotel rooms.

I had a particularly unpleasant ice-cold hotel stay, which has gotten me pneumonia as "souvenir", a condition I had to treat for months until I fully recovered.

But of course, there are ways you can avoid turning into an ice-cube.

Heating in a cold hotel

Source: © iStock.com/RTimages

Part of this article was actually written inside an ice-cold train compartment right after the "arctic hotel nightmare" experience - on a long train ride (inside a terribly cold sleeping compartment).

Here's what you can do to survive in a cold hotel room:

#1 Use your laptop to create warmth

This is a rare occasion when you'll actually be happy that you're laptop heats up.
Benefit most of the heat when you start multiple programs relying heavily on RAM and CPU.

Place the machine under your bed's quilt, under the sheets to warm it up before going to sleep.

#2 Pour hot water into plastic bottles and place them in your bed

Put the warmed up water bottles under your pillow or around you and sleep between them.
If the bathroom has no warm water, you'll rejoice if you have a portable water heater!

#3 Let hot water run in your bathroom

Fill the sink with hot water and, if there's a bath tub, fill that one too. Hopefully the heat will transfer gradually to the air, through the walls. In a matter of hours...

You have to close the bathroom door from hindering the vapours to reach your room. Because, in the later phase a cold dew gets created and you'll feel terrible under it.

#4 Drink something with high alcohol concentration

Vodka, tequila, whiskey can add to the protective measures. Improves blood ciculation by diluting the veins and makes you feel warmer. Just don't get drunk...

#5 Drink warm liquids and eat warm meals

I drank tonnes of warm tea and warm water in order to increase my body temperature from inside.
It's also good having instant noodles and soups, so that you can consume warm food before sleeping.

#6 Does your bathroom have a hair dryer? Use it!

On occasion, I use the hair dryers to dry my wet clothes, but they can also help warming the air up a bit. Kind-of-like a tiny radiator, but you have to be careful with them: they burn out easily (use them in stages, sessions).

#7 Start all electrical equipment in the room!

Leave the lights on, turn on the TV - they also produce a little bit of warmth. As little as that is, it adds up to all the other measures that you undertake.

Do you have a mini bar? Turn that one on, put it to maximum. While it produces cold inside, its rear part tends to heat up (might require a few hours, though).

#8 Dress thickly before going to bed

Isolate your ends first: feet, head and also protect your chest and back by getting dressed thicker. (And, it's in fact better to have multiple thin layers on you than 1 or 2 thick ones).

Don't let the cold air "attack" from your ends, because that's the way we usually get cold.

Escape Hunter

About the Author:

Escape Hunter, the young solo traveler in his early 30's explores the World driven by curiosity, thirst for adventure, deep passion for beauty, love for freedom and diversity.
With a nuanced, even humorous approach to travel, an obsession for art and design, Escape Hunter prefers to travel slowly, in order to learn and "soak up" the local atmosphere...


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