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Escape Hunter Planning 14 Gift Ideas for Travelers

14 Gift Ideas for Travelers

August 7, 2016

Finding the right gift for a traveler can be a long winding adventure, unless you cut the road short and look exactly for what travelers love!

Don't "just buy a pullover", but get travel-related gifts!

Below you'll find 14 items that travelers either use regularly or, items they simply love (after all, your gift can merely be a symbolical one).

#1 Travel wristwatch

It can be travel-styled without additonal functionality, but some are hi-tech mini-computers with multiple functions.

A chronograph and a compass are "must have" cliché features of modern travel watches.

The cheaper watches' costs are somewhere around the 50's, but the better ones cost over 100 USD.

Some of the best brands are Timex, Casio.

Travel watches for gift

#2 Retro style telescope

More or less functional, a vintage telescope can be stylish, and elegant gift even.
Some come with tripods, stands... others are mere pocket telescopes. But almost none get close to a modern-day binocular's functionality - keep in mind, their vast majority is barely usable!

Cost? For as little as 40 USD, you can grab one online!

Vintage telescope

#3 Scratch map

Great symbolical gifts for "travel bugs" - just scratch the map (similarly to a lottery ticket) and the colourful map from beneath will get revealed!

Check out ScratchMap.com for a variety of scratch map types.

Scratch map

#4 Stylish compass

Yet a cliché, a stylish compass can be a nice symobilc gift to an avid traveler.

Pick a metalic one, but there are some with wooden casing - if you want quality.

You can find the simplest ones from 3-5 USD on eBay, all the way up to over 50 USD for something more exquisite.

Compass as travel gift

#5 Wireless waterproof Bluetooth speaker

Trendy nowadays: tiny portable speakers for smartphones and tiny laptops.

Thing is, "water resistance" is rather resistance to getting sprayed with water (like rain), so don't drop them into water!

Don't expect high quality sound from the ones in the 7-20 USD range, but you can get a pretty good portable speaker that actually sounds louder than your laptop's speakers!
Plus: many of these Bluetooth speakers allow you to pick up the phone by simply pushing a button on the speaker itself.

Portable Bluetooth speakers

#6 Swiss army knife

My favourite travel tool that I never leave without is actually my Victorinox Huntsman Swiss knife...

Price ranges between 30-50 USD for an average Victorinox knife.

Today, Victorinox is the most notorious Swiss knife brand - also shown off in the McGyver series - the knives are 100% made in Switzerland.

Victorinox Swiss knives

#7 Portable luggage scale

Wouldn't it be great to be able to measure your luggage's weight before getting to the airport?

Especially when returning from abroad, with a bag jam-packed with souvenirs and the most unusual rocks that you picked from faraway beaches...

A comfy hand held luggage scale will help you prepare your check-in bag to the ideal weight.

Portable luggage scale

#8 Portable solar cell charger

Recharge your smartphone or laptop with a solar charger. It you're lucky enough to catch a strong light source for a few hours!

Prices range from as little as under 20 USD to well above 100 USD for the better models.

Solar smartphone chargers

#9 Power banks: emergency smartphone chargers

Highly appreciated by travelers: just pull it out and plug in the device you want to recharge - even in the middle of the forest!

Major disadvantages of these emergency power banks are is that they themselves require a long time to charge (often more than 24 hrs), they can't charge laptops and they're rather heavy...

But if your avid traveler friend often goes to remote places with no wall sockets, then he/she will appreciate this item!

USB power banks

#10 Travel-themed mouse pad

"Travel bugs" have loads of maps around them: if yours doesn't have a mouse pad with a map on it, now is the time to get one!

By itself, it won't be a "great gift", but it can go together with other items.

Ancient map mouse pad

#11 Fossils

Petrified "chunks of life", peculiar shapes from the ancient past, nature's works of art!

Careful: some adore fossils, others find them kitschy clichés... It can be a nice additional gift: when it comes together with something else.


#12 Wooden treasure chest

Not just for those who love stacking nice boxes and don't know what to put in them!
What better place for holding your passport and perhaps a few travel gadgets?

This is also a great travel gift, just that the really beautiful ones are scarce.

Wooden treasure chest

#13 Travel gift cards/certificates

Still couldn't find the best phyisical gift for your traveler friend?

Why not help them simply 'live their dream' - give them more fuel to travel: buy a gift card!

About.com explains in this article: how travel gift cards work and how to buy one.
And here are some of the most popular travel gift cards - article by CheatSheet.com

Travel gift certificates

#14 3D flag stickers or magnets

Great items for those who like to collect the flags of the countries they've visited.
Travelers can place them on a laptop or, on your fridge or simply on a flat panel to mark the list of visited countries.

3D flag stickers will stick on flat surfaces like plastic, metal, wood. Various sizes are available and they're very cheap indeed!

If you don't want stickers, there's also a variety of flag fridge magnets to choose from...

3D flag stickers and magnets

Escape Hunter

About the Author:

Escape Hunter, the young solo traveler in his early 30's explores the World driven by curiosity, thirst for adventure, deep passion for beauty, love for freedom and diversity.
With a nuanced, even humorous approach to travel, an obsession for art and design, Escape Hunter prefers to travel slowly, in order to learn and "soak up" the local atmosphere...


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