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Escape Hunter Planning How to Prevent Prolonged-walking Induced Exhaustion

How to Prevent Prolonged-walking Induced Exhaustion

December 6, 2013
April 29, 2015

As a traveler, I love taking long walks, explorations. But, a lot of walking can be energy-draining, especially after a week of day-long walks.
There simple proven ways to prevent walking-induced fatigue that help me maintain the rhythm for weeks on end!

The techniques include prevention and also in-between pauses and relaxations.
Don't push the limits too hard, because a potential muscle injury and hinder your from otherwise enjoyable hikes or city walks.

Traveler's feet care

Source: © iStock.com/luckyraccoon

If I undertake these measures, I can keep walking for even 8-10 hours a day for multiple weeks.

The exhaustion can hit the muscles of your feet and legs and your mind as well and, even your eyes.

#1 Never travel in brand new shoes

A new shoe might feel comfy when you first try it on. But, make sure you walk at least 1-2 weeks in it before using it on a trip that involves serious walking.

#2 Sleep enough

It's tempting to stay up late and enjoy the city with new friends. But, if you overdo it, then the sleeplessness will backfire potentially when you need your energy the most.

I take the time to rest myself enough between day-long walks, but I won't restrain myself from a few nights out either.

#3 Take short rests during the day

From time-to-time I take 15-30 minute rests. Parks, beaches and even restaurants can be ideal for this. Anywhere I can sit down. I do this several times a day: 5 to 10 times even.

#4 Put your feet in horizontal position

Everyone can guess: mainly for the blood-flow. And, it's extremely refreshing.

Texans know this best - if you know what I mean.
Just be aware: it's extremely rude in certain countries like Muslim countries.

#5 Wash your feet more often!

Not just for the sake of hygiene, but for the massage: relaxes your muscles and improves blood-flow.

#6 Avoid walking too much in polluted and agglomerated areas

Pollution (from the traveler's perspective) can be of 3 categories: phonic pollution (sound), chemical (toxic gases, bad smells), light pollution (heavy lighting tires the eyes and can cause headaches, exhaustion).

Walking in industrial areas and city centres is most exhausting and it can bring your energy levels down for the next day as well.

#7 Don't neglect eating and drinking

We tend to neglect eating, because we love looking around. We keep postponing until we're drained.

Proteins, vitamins and plenty of liquids are vital. The right combination might vary from person to person. I'm more of a semi-veggie.

#8 Eat high energy foods

Nuts are great, sweets give energy as well and meat is also important for gaining strength.
Take a few bars of chocolate, nuts it will help you cope with the energy loss during the walk/hike.

#9 Consume more fresh fruits and vegetables

Plenty of fresh fruits and legumes give you vitamins and vital minerals, which you'll consume at a higher pace when wandering and hiking.
Even the most popular fast food restaurants offer salads - I tend to swap the fries for the salads.

#10 Eat less energy-consuming foods

A steak not only gives you calories, it will also take a lot away. And, some heavy foods will require more energy to digest than they provide.

Dairy products like milk and cheese can be hard to digest. Eggs similarly are quite "heavy".

Just a few examples of things whose intake I minimize when traveling.

#11 Reduce the intake of carbonated drinks

Carbon-dioxide does get into your bloodstream and you'll get tired easier.

I even experimented on days when I consumed almost exclusively carbon-dioxide-containing mineral water, I was able to jog for a much shorter distance (60-70 % of my normal performance), then I swapped back to still water during the next days and got back to normal energy levels.

#12 Optimal amount of salt intake

When we sweat, we lose salt and a bunch of minerals leave our body together with it.
Salt-loss gets you tired, it's obvious why we need to compensate for it.

Just don't overdo on the salt either. Too much of it will make you thirstier and your blood thicker. You will tire easier.

#13 Put wet eye compresses on your eyes

You can do this several times a day. Relieves eye stress and prevents eye-fatigue.
We use our eyes a lot while traveling and we often feel pain at the end of the day. Sounds familiar?

#14 Wear light, loose-fitting clothes

Pick your clothing wisely - you'll only feel the effects once you've worn them for days.
Some of the clothes we wear back home would be terribly uncomfortable during a long hike, for instance.

#15 Exercise your feet regularly before traveling

What I personally do is to jog periodically. It's a tremendous help when I'm abroad.
This way, the long walks during urban explorations seem mild, even after a week, while others would barely resist a day.

Escape Hunter

About the Author:

Escape Hunter, the young solo traveler in his early 30's explores the World driven by curiosity, thirst for adventure, deep passion for beauty, love for freedom and diversity.
With a nuanced, even humorous approach to travel, an obsession for art and design, Escape Hunter prefers to travel slowly, in order to learn and "soak up" the local atmosphere...


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